资讯 人工智能学术

ICCV 历年最佳论文合集

2019/09/11 11:19

ICCV 历年最佳论文合集


ICCV 2019 将于 2019 年 10月27日至11月2日在韩国首尔的 COEX 会议中心举行,作为计算机视觉三大顶级会议之一,备受大家的关注。以下是由AI研习社整理的1998年至2017年 ICCV 历年最佳论文,论文已经打包,传送门请看:https://www.yanxishe.com/postDetail/14500?from=leiphonecolumn

2017Mask R-CNNKaiming He, Facebook AI Research; et al.
2015Deep Neural Decision ForestsPeter Kontschieder, Microsoft Research; et al.
2013From Large Scale Image Categorization to Entry-Level CategoriesVicente Ordonez, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; et al.
2011Relative AttributesDevi Parikh, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Kristen Grauman, University of Texas at Austin
2009Discriminative models for multi-class object layoutChaitanya Desai, University of California Irvine; et al.
2007Population Shape Regression From Random Design DataBradley Davis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; et al.
2005Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction ProblemsFredrik Kahl, Lund University
Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS
2003Detecting Pedestrians using Patterns of Motion and AppearancePaul Viola, Microsoft Research; et al.
Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection and RecognitionZhuowen Tu, University of California Los Angeles; et al.
Image-based Rendering using Image-based PriorsAndrew Fitzgibbon, University of Oxford; et al.
2001Probabilistic Tracking with Exemplars in a Metric SpaceKentaro Toyama & Andrew Blake, Microsoft Research
The Space of All Stereo ImagesSteven Seitz, University of Washington
1999Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection up to SubgroupsYi Ma, University of California Berkeley; et al.
A Theory of Shape by Space CarvingKiriakos Kutulakos, University of Rochester
Steven Seitz, Carnegie Mellon University
1998Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction in spite of Varying and Unknown Internal Camera Paramet...Marc Pollefeys, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; et al.
The Problem of Degeneracy in Structure and Motion Recovery from Uncalibrated Image SequencesPhil Torr, Microsoft Research; et al.



ICCV 历年最佳论文合集


